Read Danny Smith’s inspiring story, in his own words, about Jubilee Campaign’s fight against exploitation and injustice across the globe.

“If this does not inspire you, then you may want to see your doctor.”

GEORGE VERWER / Operation Mobilisation

“I have never ready anything like this! Shouting into the Silence inspired me and it will inspire you - a must read.”
Marc Carey, Hard Rock

“If you ever doubt that one person can make a difference to the world you should read this book”
Christopher David, The Body Shop


This is an extract from the foreword to the book:

“As a teenager I felt especially challenged by the killing of Dr Martin Luther King. King warned of the danger of silence in the face of the evil of prejudice and bigotry, and he made a passionate case in defence of liberty and of life itself.

“Just over a decade after King was murdered, and now serving as a young MP at Westminster, to remind myself of the importance of doing what you can to make a difference – I pinned the words of King to my office wall in the House of Commons.”

Lord Alton